Paper published in Acta Paediatrica

Our team published a new scoping review paper on the use of ultrasound for assessing body composition and nutritional status in the pediatric population. This review forms the basis for some of our ongoing studies with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Jimma University, and lays the groundwork for our future studies. Check out an open access version of the paper here.

This has been an exciting interdisciplinary project with Prof. Jinhee Park and Prof. Donglai Wei at Boston College. Special thanks to our undergraduate research fellows—Allison Lombardi, Susie Kwon, Mary Loeb, and Hayoung Cho—and to postdoctoral fellow, Keshi He, for their hard work and dedication to this project. We are also grateful to the BC Schiller Institute SIGECS Program for helping to catalyze this collaborative work!


BMES 2024


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